Extended family portrait sessions are the best way to highlight all generations.

This sweet family kept it super flexible when the weather threw us a curve ball and we had to pivot to a mostly indoor photo session. They even braved the cold for a few minutes so we could get a few outside shots!

In studio extended family portrait including grandparents, children and grandchild.
In studio extended family portrait including grandparents, children and grandchild sitting on grandmother's lap.
Mother holding toddler son.
Father, toddler son and mother standing close together, smiling.
Black and white close up of toddler son being held by mother, mother and father smiling at son.
Father holding toddler son, both smiling brightly.
Young couple smiling together.
Grandparents standing together, grandmother holding young grandson.
Black and white of mother and two adult daughters sitting on couch, daughters laughing and looking lovingly toward mother.
Adult brother and two sisters smiling together in front of sign that reads, "Slow, Adults at Play".
Mother and father standing, both holding toddler son between them.
Adult sisters standing close together, smiling.
Documentary portrait of family walking in alley.
Extended family portrait of three generations all standing in front of colorful mural in Denver, Colorado.

Is this family my absolute favorite for requesting a few awkward family photos?


Posed awkward family portrait of adult siblings looking serious, lined up closely, with chalkboard background.
Posed awkward family portrait of four adult siblings 
 stacked vertically with nostalgic background.
Posed awkward family photo of four adult siblings, standing closely together, smiling and laughing toward camera, with laser beam background

To see more multi-generation, extended family photo sessions, click here, here or here.

Maggie Theis is a family photographer from Littleton, Colorado, serving families in the Denver Metro area.